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  • Pizza à la truite fumée du guerrier

    Warrior's Smoked Trout Pizza

    4x : 20 mins : 5 min

    The pizza recipe to try! The lime zest gives it an unparalleled touch of freshness, and the pancetta combined with bacon pepper add a little salty and delicious je-ne-sais-quoi. Add a little lumpfish caviar to enhance the flavor of the fish, and you will have in your hands a pizza worthy of the best restaurants in the world!

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  • Surf n’ Turf décadent du Guerrier

    Warrior's Decadent Surf n' Turf

    Chef Peter revisits the king of barbecue dinners, Surf n' Turf, to bring it to the height of eccentricity and luxury in Vice City! In this recipe, we offer you the natural alliance of tomahawk steak with the Tomahawk Mix, for a spicy touch. The smoothness of the blue cheese crust, the herb butter and the explosive flavor of the lobster tails, complemented to perfection with a Bacon Pepper sauce will make this recipe an unforgettable experience!

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  • Cioppino du Guerrier

    Cioppino of the Warrior

    Inspired by seafood culture and the clear waters of the Colorado River, this tomato seafood soup recipe hailing from San Francisco will introduce you to a whole new way to enjoy seafood. revisited with this comforting and satiating soup, embellished with our renowned Poivre Boréal au Bacon, highlighting the essential flavor combination of seafood, bacon, and dune pepper. A delight to discover!

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  • L'Omelette Avalanche

    The Avalanche Omelet

    4x : 15 mins : 10 minutes

    From pioneers using peppers and onions to mask rotten eggs to Chinese immigrants working on the railroad, the history of the Denver omelet is quite obscure. Discover this dish reinvented in the style of the Spices of the Warrior!

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  • Poutine aux légumes et sa sauce au foie gras

    Poutine with vegetables and foie gras sauce

    2x : 10 minutes : 20 mins

    A reinvented poutine, made with vegetables for a healthier and downright delicious result. The bacon pepper enhances the foie gras poutine sauce wonderfully, you won't be able to do without it!

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  • Nachos du Guerrier

    Nachos of the warrior

    4x : 15 mins : 55 mins

    A perfect recipe to impress your guests during your next game at home by offering them a classic, revisited with the boreal flavors of Épices du Guerrier. Topped with Traditional Mix chicken thighs and garnished with the unique Bacon Pepper, this nacho is anything but ordinary.

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  • Bâtonnets de fromage du Guerrier

    Warrior cheese sticks

    4x : 10 minutes : 10 minutes

    No need to go to the restaurant, this recipe will allow you to taste the best cheese sticks in town! A perfect recipe to prepare with children, these cheese sticks have nothing to do with those on the market! Topped off with two breadings, Bacon Pepper, then Traditional Blend, this appetizer will have you questioning everything you know about cheese sticks.

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  • Pétoncles grillés et crème de maïs

    Grilled scallops and corn cream

    If you like seafood, we promise you that you will enjoy you! Concocate this scallop recipe with pepper pepper from the Warrior spices accompanied by a scurred corn cream.
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  • Lasagne du Guerrier

    Warrior lasagna

    We are happy to make your favorite dishes even better. Today, prepare warrior lasagna with traditional spices and bacon pepper. A real treat !
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  • Tartare de saumon avec croustilles de won-ton

    Salmon Tartar with Won-Ton Chips

    This is the ideal time to taste a salmon tartare in the sun. Add an Aboriginal key to yours with this recipe of the warrior spices also including bacon pepper and pungent sauce Scurb!
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